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New Europe-wide animal protection partnership aims to end #AnimalTesting in the EU




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World Day for Animals in Laboratories (24 April) saw the launch of an ambitious new partnership campaigning to end the suffering of the over 11 million animals still used in experiments throughout Europe.

The group – Cruelty Free Europe – a dynamic network of partners headquartered in Brussels with a permanent presence at the heart of European decision-making, will be working to see the European Union commit to a comprehensive timetable and targets to modernise research and testing, moving away from outdated, ineffective and cruel animal experiments.

Also on the immediate agenda of Cruelty Free Europe is action to ensure that the EU’s animal testing prohibitions for cosmetics are honoured, stopping the growing encroachment of chemicals testing on cosmetics.

As a first step, the organisation will be reaching out to candidates in May’s European elections, urging them to take a stance for animals in laboratories.

Dr Katy Taylor, founding partner, said: “With the creation of Cruelty Free Europe, we have an opportunity for step change in the way we look at science and at research and development. Europe has long prided itself on being at the forefront of animal protection – we call on the European Commission, the European Parliament and governments to work with us to end the suffering of animals in laboratories and replace this with more humane and human relevant test methods.”

Chairman of leading Dutch animal protection organisation Een DIER Een VRIEND Geoffrey Deckers said: “I am delighted to be part of the new Cruelty Free Europe initiative. In 2019, it is unacceptable that so many animals continue to suffer in laboratories. We look forward to working with decision-makers and citizens across Europe to turn up the volume on this issue and make a real difference for these animals.”

"In France, the cause for laboratory animals is one of the hardest fights we have to lead. Joining forces with our European partners is key to moving things forward and breaking the silence surrounding the suffering of millions of animals no-one ever sees or hears. We look forward to taking part in the Cruelty Free Europe adventure!" - Muriel Arnal, Founder and President of One Voice, France.


“In Europe, legislation on animal experimentation is mainly tailored to the research lobbies. It is therefore essential that the associations that work to end animal experimentation are organised at European level. Currently, laboratory animals are only superficially protected. That has to change. Through Cruelty Free Europe, we want to defend more effectively the millions of animals that each year are victims of painful and deadly experiences in Europe. European regulators give too much freedom to researchers and must act in a more directive and forceful manner to systematically reduce the use of animals for experimental purposes. The priority targets are the painful experiments on primates, dogs and cats.” - Ann De Greef, Director of GAIA, Belgium

"It's an honour to be part of the creation of such an important new organisation. Through our hard work we have achieved some important victories for animals exploited and killed in laboratories over the last 20 years. Together we will definitely accomplish much more in the next few years." - Rita Silva, Animal, Portugal

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